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Technical Activities

Technical Activities


NIRMAN – A National Level Student Symposium is an annual flagship event of the Organisation of Civil Engineering Students (OrCES). NIRMAN has a combination of both technical and non-technical events. Technical events usually comprises of CADPlot, E-bid, B-entrepreneur, Stabilopedia, Pipe tycoon, Checkmate, Site master, Placement Guru, Model making, Poster presentation, etc. Dancing, Singing and Theatre are some of the non-technical events of NIRMAN. It is an unbreakable tradition of this symposium to invite eminent speakers every year to motivate the students and to kick start the events. The symposium caters numbers of students from various state level and national level institutes every year.


NUTech is the annual technical festival of the Institute of Technology, organised and hosted by all the students organisation. The students of Civil Engineering Department participate actively both as participants and event management members. OrCES takes care of all the technical activities related to Civil Engineering planned under NUTech. Stabilizer, Visco-Wizard, Plot-the-Plot, The big construction theory, Absolute H2O, Civil-O-thon, Civil Hunt, GIS and Remote sensing workshop, BIM workshop, etc.

Technical Workshop

Students organise technical workshops on use of various professional software tools in the field of Civil Engineering such as STADD Pro, AutoCAD, ArcGIS, MS Project, Primavera, etc.